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Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Vine

The druid meaning of the vine in Celtic lore is ripe with symbolism. The druids classified anything with a woody stalk as a tree. Grapevines are more likely to come up in conversation when discussing this topic, however, it was more likely the blackberry vines captured the hearts of the ancient Celts. In the druid perspective, the vine earned its symbolism from its growth patters. They recognized the vine grows opportunistically, and would dig-in wherever feasible in order to gain a strong foothold to assure its own growth.

In spite of the philosophical urgings to take things as they may come, the thorns of these vines are symbolic of defending or protecting ourselves when necessary. The vine is a theme repeated over and over in Celtic art. Interconnections and winding vines are commonly seen on tapestries, writings, knot work, and carvings. Since the ever-watchful Celts discovered the predominant growth pattern of the vine, they associated it with they symbol of eternity and renewal. Being, as the vine seems to grow in a spiral. Cool, huh!

Nature Connection:
  • The vine is a powerful metaphor of "going with the flow" or "growing where you are planted." It is a message that when we observe the best of our environment and stay in a relaxed, flowing state of mind, we will be more likely to gain our highest advantage.


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